January 10, 2025 - Re-enrollment applications begin on Monday, January 27, 2025. Please remember, classes are capped at 28 students. Enrollment is limited so enroll early and secure your child's position.
by Mother Theodore Catholic Academies Communication Team
December 2024 - The celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe, observed on December 12th is a cherished celebration combining rich traditions, faith, and vibrant cultural expressions.
by Mother Theodore Catholic Academies Communication Team
December 2024 - St. Philip Neri - The end-of-year 2024 Celebration of Cultures took center stage in the St. Philip Neri auditorium on December 19th. Each class chose a dance to represent a country reflecting their students' cultural or ancestral backgrounds.
December 13, 2024 - Monday we had Mass with Father Joe Moriarty, Tuesday our second grade participated in their first reconciliation, and Thursday we celebrated Our Lady of Guadalupe along with our amazing Danza group!
November 26, 2024 - We will also have our annual Title I reading night with Mrs. Boring and Mrs. Eberhart. After you pick out a coat, stop by to play some reading games with your family and friends. We hope to see you there!
November 15, 2024 - Central Catholic - Christmas Assistance---We have a limited amount of donors that want to help families with Christmas presents for their children. If you are unable to give your children presents this year, please send me a text at 317-207-6153 and I will help you!
Energy Assistance Program --- There is a program to help families pay their heating bills over the winter. It depends on the total income of the family. Please text or call me (317-207-6153) if you would like to learn more. I can help you fill out the application.
Novemebr 8, 2024 - Students in grades 4th through 8th grade have an expectation of passing two iReady math lessons and two iReady reading lessons each week.
I have been tracking student progress for the last couple of weeks and some students are struggling to meet these expectations. Students should have passed a total of 18 lessons in math and 18 lesson in reading by the end of the second nine weeks.
February 2024 - As a Catholic school leader I am pleased to highlight and showcase the amazing opportunities and possibilities that the Mother Theodore Catholic Academies offers our students and communities. This month I want to highlight Holy Angels Catholic School and what the school and community provide to our scholars.
January 2024 - Oh, December! It was a time for preparing our hearts for Jesus. A time for lighting Advent candles, prayer, and reflection. A time for wrapping presents, exchanging cookies, and quiet moments with a cup of coffee spent by the light of the Christmas tree.
December 2023 - The Christmas season is not only for giving and receiving gifts, it’s also a great time to take stock in our many blessings. December is a time countless donors typically give from their God-given blessings to the Church and our many ministries. Your generosity fuels the mission of the Mother Theodore Catholic Academies to provide Catholic education to deserving families.
November 2023 - Central Catholic School is focused on becoming the saints that God calls us to be as we strive to live our school virtues: faith, love, perseverance, respect, and service. The school staff takes on the role of saint-trainers by teaching students about the school virtues through literature, music, art, classroom instruction, assembly, and Mass experiences.
October 2023 - In addition to meal service during the school day, our nutrition program has had the opportunity to send home weekend meals with students in need for the past few years. Thanks to the generosity of donors, we have recently been able to expand our weekend meals program. We have joined with community partners such as St. Vincent de Paul and Gleaners Food Bank to be able to open a food pantry within each of our MTCA schools.
September 2023 - Not only do sports provide the chance to be more active after being in school all day, but they provide that sense of belonging. You are a part of something bigger than yourself, you belong to a team in which every person plays a role.
Thursday December 19th - Students may wear school appropriate Christmas pajamas to school.
Friday December 20th - On Friday, students may wear an Ugly Christmas sweater, a christmas shirt or red and green with jeans or sweatpants.
The end-of-year 2024 Celebration of Cultures took center stage in the St. Philip Neri auditorium on December 19th. Each class chose a dance to represent a country reflecting their students' cultural or ancestral backgrounds.
From St. Philip Neri Principal, Kelly England Each day at 7:45am, the intercom turns on and a group of eighth grade students play a song. That is the cue for all staff and students to make their way to the gym for our Morning Assembly. After taking a year and half off from our traditional Morning Assembly routine due to Covid protocols, we joyfully added it back to the schedule in January!